Bienvenidos a mi Blog sobre TICs y medicina interna
“ Ninguna burbuja es tan iridiscente ni flota más que la soplada por el maestro exitoso.” sir William Osler Bienvenidos a mi Blog sobre TICs y Medicina Interna "I have had but two ambitions in the profession: first, to make of myself a good clinical physician, to be ranked with the men who have done so much for the profession of this country . . . My second ambition has been to build up a great clinic on Teutonic lines, not on those previously followed here and in England, but on lines which have proved so successful on the Continent, and which have placed the scientific medicine of Germany in the forefront of the world . . . I have had three personal ideals. One, to do the day's work well and not to bother about to-morrow . . . The second ideal has been to act the Golden Rule, as far as in me lay, towards my professional brethren and towards the patients committed to my care. And the third has been to cultivate such a measure of equanimity as would enable me to bear succe...